Four Miniatures: Students?; Freedom & Limits;
Mountain Pilgrim; Clarity in Complexity

(1) Students?

Teach one student to really sing, and a
thousand others learn the song

| Picture/Poem Poster
shown at the right

(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
 (56 K) |

Poster: students

(2) Freedon & Limits . . .

Highways exist to move traffic;
As Internets move bits,
And Economies move goods;

With all three, freedom flourishes
only when strictly limited by universal,
clear laws. Otherwise:—the biggest,
the meanest and the most brutish shall
rule the roads that run between us.

| Picture/Poem Poster
Freedom & Limits
shown at the right

(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
 (60 K) |
[Windows: r click;
Mac: opt + click]
Poster: freedom & limits

(3) The wonder of walking . . .

In the mountains,
the way up is that of a climber,
the way down—that of a pilgrim.

| Picture/Poem Poster
The Wonder of
shown at the right

(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
 48 K) |
Poster: mountain pilgrim

(4) Clarity in complexity . . .

Imagine a dialogue
in six parts,
each voice sparkling
and distinct,—
like waves catching
fast as a mountain stream.

| Picture/Poem Poster
Clarity in
shown at the right

(prints 81/2 x 11" (A4))
Also available as .pdf
 (56 K) |
Poster: clarity in complexity

| download / view all four Posters as a PDF set: 4 Miniatures: Clarity Quartet [200 K] |
[Windows: r click; Mac: opt + click]

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All Photographs & texts by Cliff Crego © 2011
(created: IV.30.2011)